Thursday, October 8, 2015

Micro Learning for Success

© Döngel
Micro learning, also known as chunked learning or granular learning, offers highly concentrated information that targets specific learning outcomes and caters to adult learning styles.

During his presentation at the 27th Annual Chicagoland Safety and Environmental Conference, Jerry Van Oort, CEO of intRAtrain and inspectiTRAC by Russell Associates, outlined the value of micro learning for OSH professionals. 

In addition to offering targeted lessons, micro learning aims to distill information down to 2 or 3 minute segments using videos, text, images or audio to convey a message. This eliminates information overload and reduces training time by up to 25%, allowing for ample time to focus on higher priority tasks that will improve employee safety and lower company risk. 

According to Oort, short segments are extremely valuable. Attention spans have decreased significantly, and studies show that most adult learners only gain 10% of learning from training. Seventy percent of learning comes from on-the-job experiences and the other 20% comes from coaching. Micro learning takes less time and allows for immediate application, which research has shown helps adults retain information. 

Unlike traditional sessions, which are generally taught in order, micro learning sessions can stand alone and are generally accessible from a computer or smartphone so training can take place at any time. According to Oort, micro learning is both learner-driven and cost effective. To get started developing a micro learning training plan trainers must identify pertinent information and be able to break it down into small pieces. Click here to view an example of micro learning on predictive maintenance strategy.