Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Take A New Look at Your Career & Beyond

Seth Godin, American entrepreneur and author, is best known for his work in marketing. But many of his concepts have been applied in other areas. For example, ASSE President-Elect Rick Pollock has blogged about using marketing concepts like Godin's to enhance safety training.

So, maybe it's worthwhile to consider how some ideas in Godin’s “Brainwashed: Seven Ways to Reinvent Yourself," might apply to your efforts to advance workplace safety and to how you approach your career. According to Godin, a fundamental shift has happened in how the world works, yet many of us are still “using the tools of today to support our efforts to do yesterday’s job better.” It’s time to look beyond the trappings of old thinking, Godin says, and reinvent our roles in the system. That means overhauling what we believe and how we do your jobs, he contends. “The opportunity of our time is to discard what you think you know and instead learn what you need to learn,” he says.

Like most things, you'll find things to agree and disagree with in Godin's work, but at worst it's food for thought.