Monday, August 5, 2013

Questions First at Plant Vogtle

Post From Guest Blogger Doug Gray

In other blogs I have provided a context for Questions First, at Plant Vogtle.

Imagine that you are working in this setting:

Since 2008 we have been working in the energy industry. Since 2010 we have been providing leadership coaching, assessments and training at Plant Vogtle, near Augusta, GA. Most of that work has been with Shaw Power Group, which is contracted to build the first of a kind new nuclear modular construction of two AP 1000 Westinghouse designed nuclear reactors for Southern Power, an arm of Georgia Power.

Amid thousands of people, and a consortium of interests, there is plenty of tension.

All of the leaders and managers I have worked with agree on one thing:

When we lead with Questions First, we develop great solutions.

Imagine that you are in a meeting with this one ground rule: “Questions First. Statements can only be made in response to a question.”

What would happen?
  1. people would use open-ended questions
  2. leaders would emerge based on experience
  3. solutions will surprise everyone
  4. opening/key questions will lead to other questions
  5. the meeting will lead to actions
  6. the next meeting will open with accountability

There will be:
  1. NO grandstanding based on silos or business lines
  2. NO declarations like “40 years ago…” or “We cannot do it that way…”
  3. NO blaming, because the focus is on new solutions
Does this sound like an impossible scenario?

Then you need to hire Action Learning Associates for your organization. The above example is representative of some of the best meetings I have led, as an action learning coach.

So, how can we help your organization?