EPA has issued a warning to homeowners, propane
manufacturers and sellers, home improvement contractors and air conditioning
technicians about fire and explosion risks associated with the use of propane
or other unapproved refrigerants in home air conditioning systems.
An EPA investigation is addressing instances in which
propane has been marketed and used as a substitute for HCFC-22 (R-22) in home
air conditioning systems. Propane use poses a potential fire or explosion
hazard when used in home air conditioning systems, which are not designed to
handle propane and other flammable refrigerants.
According to EPA, injuries have occurred as a result of the
use of propane and other unapproved refrigerants in air conditioning systems.
The agency has not approved the use of propane or other hydrocarbon
refrigerants in any type of air conditioner, and is urging homeowners and
technicians to limit use of those refrigerants to appliances that were
specifically designed for such substances.
Find more information on EPA’s website.