Nine metal/nonmetal miners and 10 coal miners died in
work-related accidents in the last six months, states Joseph A. Main, MSHA’s
Assistant Secretary of Labor. Falls, exploding vessels, powered haulage accidents and drowning were just some of the causes of death. What’s particularly
alarming, Main adds, it that three of the fatalities involved supervisors. “Fatalities
are preventable,” he says. “Many mines operate every shift of every day, year
in and year out, without a fatality or a lost-time injury.” Fatalities can be
prevented by using the following:
- safety and health management programs;
- workplace examinations before and during shifts;
- effective and appropriate training.
According to Main, MSHA has put together several programs and
materials about safety and health, such as their “Rules to Live By” prevention
program. “We are united in our determination that all miners go home safe and healthy
at the end of each shift,” he says. For more information, visit MSHA’s website.