Friday, March 23, 2012

ASSE Publishes Basic Guide to RCRA, 2nd Edition

Today ASSE has released the electronic format of A Basic Guide to RCRA: Understanding Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, 2nd edition, by Salvatore Caccavale, CSP. The book provides a concise overview of the storage, labeling and shipping requirements for hazardous waste as required by EPA. It helps SH&E professionals better understand how RCRA regulations work, and offers advice on effectively complying with these regulations.

Among the updates to the original 1998 edition:
  • More completed forms and labels to enable SH&E professionals to better determine what is required on containers during storage and prior to shipping.
  • A new section on Class 1 Injection Wells, typically for low-concentration waste.
  • A new section on grounding and bonding of containers with flammable chemicals.
  • Learning objectives and summaries for each chapter.
  • More regulatory references explained in a more concise and organized format.
  • Updated information on the shipping of hazardous waste and manifests.
A Basic Guide to RCRA is available for use in MobiPocket and ePub formats for use on Kindle, Nook, iPad and other e-readers, and is priced at $14.95. Orders can be placed by visiting the ASSE Publications page, with an order number of 4434prc for MobiPocket, and 4434epub for ePub.