Thursday, December 8, 2011

Home Cooking Safety Technologies

The Fire Protection Research Foundation recently released a report with the results of a study that identified major cooking fire scenarios and focused on the types of prevention technologies suitable for use on or with home cooking appliances. The report provides an assessment of new and existing promising safety technologies or concepts that focus on three criteria consumers look for when buying products including fire protection effectiveness, cooking performance, and cost and convenience. It also provides a status update of the development of stove top technology over the last 10 years and presents an assessment for future growth. To conclude the study, leaders from the kitchen appliance, fire service and user communities met at a workshop this July to review the results and develop an action plan for identifying potential barriers to further research and product development of these emerging state-of-the-art technologies, and their effectiveness to mitigate home cooking fires. For more information on home cooking fires, visit the National Fire Protection Association’s recent report, “Home Fires Involving Cooking Equipment." Additional information on fire safety best practices can be found here.