Monday, March 24, 2014

EU-OSHA to Focus on Key OSH Research Areas to Reach Its 2020 Goals

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) has determined four areas for occupational safety and health (OSH) research that will help it reach its 2020 goals, as outlined in a report titled "Priorities for Occupational Safety and Health Research in Europe: 2013-2020." The four areas are demographic change; globalization and the changing working world; safe new technologies; and new or increasing occupational exposure to chemical and biological agents.

Of the key areas, EH-OSHA Director Christa Sedlatscheck says, "EU-OSHA has a key role to play in ensuring that high-level OSH research is translated into practical, grassroots workplace solutions. It is vital that the agency coordinates the research and communicates the risks to both workers and employers," she says. As the agency follows-up with the report, it will host a seminar this year to discuss further OSH research priorities and next steps.

Visit the EU-OSHA website to learn more.