Monday, March 31, 2014

Video Touts Life-Saving Personal Flotation Devices

In 2010, the salmon skiff Paul Revere sunk in Alaskan waters. Its crew survived, thanks to the use of personal flotation devices (PFDs). Their story is recounted in new video from NIOSH, Paul Revere: A Story of Survival in Bristol Bay. The 10-minute video includes interviews with the skiff’s skipper and  crewman who survived for more than 2 hours in frigid water. According to NIOSH, a PFD eliminates the need to tread water and can insulate the body, slowing the onset of hypothermia. "With the help of PFDs, the crew was able to conserve energy for getting to shore, rather than having to expend energy to survive."

By sharing the story, NIOSH hopes to change perceptions and raise awareness of PFDs in order to reduce the number of man-overboard fatalities in commercial fishing. The agency reports that 191 commercial fisherman died in such incidents between 2000 and 2012.

Find more safety information on NIOSH Fishing Topic Page.