Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tips to Stop Feet from Aching

Matching ones shoe to ones work environment is essential for workers to perform tasks with minimal pain and to reduce the risk of slips, trips and falls. Injuryfree offers tips on what shoes fit best for employees who stand, sit or walk while working.
For Standing:
  • Shoes should not change the shape of the foot. For example, shoes with very narrow toes force toes into an unusual position.
  • Shoes must have good grip at the heel, room for toes to wiggle and good arch support.
  • Shoes should not be completely flat or have a heel higher than 2 inches.
  • Shoes should protect from workplace hazards and should have shock-absorbing soles if the workplace has cement or metal floors.
For Sitting
  • The best posture for sitting is to have feet flat or supported with a footrest as needed.
For Walking
  • Walking shoes should be similar to those chosen for standing, and should provide excellent shock absorption and support.
  • Shoes should be less than 2-in. high. If you must wear heels for meetings or events, keep a good pair of walking shoes available to change into later.
They also recommend that workers who stand for longer periods of time use a footstool or a bar if possible to alternate the weight on each foot. Another thing to consider is using an anti-fatigue mat to help alleviate foot pressure. For more information, click here.