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The following items are considered as new focuses or clarified elements:
Domain 1
Core research methodology concepts
Domain 2
Applicable requirements for health plans, programs, and policies
Applicable requirement for safety plans, programs, and policies
Documentation retention or management principles (e.g., incident investigation, training records, exposure records, maintenance records, environmental management options)
Management leadership techniques (e.g., management theories, leadership theories, motivation, discipline, communication styles)
Domain 4
Common workplace hazards (e.g., electrical falls, confined spaces, lockout/tagout, working around water, caught in, struck by, excavation, welding, hot work, cold and heat stress, combustibles, lasers)
Unique workplace hazards (e.g., nanoparticles, combustible dust)
Domain 7
Sustainability principles
Domain 9
Legal issues (e.g.. tort, negligence, civil, criminal, contracts, disability terminology)
Ethics related to conducting audits
BCSP Code of Ethics
Domain 2
Domain 4
Domain 7
Domain 9
BCSP plans to conduct a statistical analysis via a beta test of the new blueprint and will invite certification candidates to participate in that test in early 2016.